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COVID-19. Health advice for the senior and chronically ill


– Do not leave your home. To reduce infection as much as possible it is essential that you do not leave your home and that you avoid contact with other people, including your immediate family. Anyone can carry the disease.
Ask younger, healthier people to do your shopping for your essentials and medications. If you must go out, always wear a mask and avoid large stores, opting instead for local shops where people are not so crowded. Don’t forget to disinfect yourself as soon as you get home and leave the shoes you used to go out at the door.

– Stay active. At home, keep up physical activity by exercising and stretching. If you restrict physical activity, you will lose muscle mass and you will increase the feeling of weakness. Physical activity is also important to stimulate the immune system

– Take care with your diet. You should drink plenty of liquids and have a balanced diet. Prefer fresh produce if possible and avoid eating fats and preserves. Fresh produce is richer in vitamins and nutrients, which will also boost the immune system

– In case of illness. If you have mild flu symptoms, such as headache, fever that cures with paracetamol, body aches or cough, do not go to an emergency room or call Health 24. If in doubt, contact your attending physician or other health care provider.

WARNING SYMPTOMS – Shortness of breath, fever that does not respond to paracetamol, and altered state of consciousness. In these cases, you should call the SNS 24 line (808 24 24 24) or be seen urgently by a doctor.

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